Here’s What Happens When You Commit to Following Your Dreams

Decisions, decisions.

She drives along, contemplating.

She needs a bike-rack hitch for her car.

And she needs it ASAP.

She has investigated a few avenues.
Bike stores quoted her prices and timelines that seemed a bit outrageous, but seeing as she has not purchased a hitch in ten years, perhaps they are not so bad after all?

Hmmmm, go the less expensive route of buying a trunk-mounted rack?
Or bite the bullet and go the costlier route of buying a hitch to use with the rack she already has?

Thinking about the hitch price makes her dizzy.
But buying the trunk rack seems so nonsensical.
I mean, she already has the rack, she just needs the hitch.

“What to do? Help me figure this out!” she shouts in vexation to herself and the Universe.
There must be a way to resolve this in a timely manner and use the rack already in her possession.

She is determined, yet stumped.


At the moment of commitment the entire universe conspires to assist you.
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Woops! Almost forgot to get the corn on the cob.
She pulls into the tiny parking lot of a corner store.

Walking the ten steps to the door, she passes a group of people talking… about hitches!

No. Way.
She hears one telling another about the place he went to have a hitch put on, what a quick and professional job they did and for what price…


Thank you, Universe, for those ten steps!


Some call this serendipity - the aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.

Some call it luck - a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person.

And others still call it coincidence - a striking occurrence of two or more events together at once, apparently by mere chance.

Call it what you may, any dream is not even a possibility until you allow yourself to imagine it and consciously choose to pursue it.

In making that decision, in committing to following your dream, you remove all hesitancy and uncertainty from your intent.

You deliver a clear and passionate message into the universe that you are eager to achieve your dream, and willing to accept support.

Claim your dreams!
Claim your support!


No matter how significant or how trivial your dreams may seem at first, in claiming them, they acquire clout.

And people take notice.

This includes people out there who want to help you.

You may notice all sorts of seemingly impossible things begin to happen:
* Opportunities ‘randomly’ pop up with uncanny frequency
* People offer guidance or refer you to so-and-so who can help
* You seem to be in the right place at the right time

All because you put it out there.
You claim your dream and commit to trusting in the universe for assistance.

True, your timetable may not always be the universe’s timetable, but rest assured that things will happen exactly when it’s best.

The point is to commit to taking action:

  • Claim your dream
    What exactly is it that you desire to do or to have happen? Be as specific as possible. Consider the who, where, what, when, how of achieving your dream.
  • Ask for guidance
    Until you purposefully ask for help, it is neither known nor assumed that help is welcome.
  • Be open to guidance
    Once you ask for help, be open, welcoming guidance in the many forms it may appear.
  • Trust in the opportunities
    Consider each opportunity that comes along as an experience toward achieving your dream. Some opportunities will take you closer than others. Notice which align most with your quest.
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There are forces in the universe just waiting for the opportunity to co-create your life with you.

Open yourself to that limitless, collaborative energy found all around us and get moving!

You will be amazed by the people you meet, the opportunities offered that you never even dreamed of before and the experiences you gain.

And no doubt, someday, you will find yourself being gently directed by Universe into playing a role in fulfilling someone else’s dream.


Today it’s some seemingly random, passing conversation that guides her on her urgent hitch quest.

…She runs into the store and grabs the corn, then runs out and grabs her phone.

Calling U-Haul she makes an appointment for that very afternoon and ends up saving over half the amount of what she had been quoted by the others for her new hitch.

Yes, the entire universe conspires to assist you.

If the sun is shining, my Crosstrek is calling me to fill up her tank, throw open her sunroof, and head for the back-roads. With wind in my hair, I smile at everyone I see. Grace smiles back at me (even through the trees).