What Would Joan of Arc Say?

Hanging With The Masters Episode .4 with Sheila Applegate


Joan of Arc was a child, a woman, a warrior, a saint, and a visionary.

Her life and soul is layered with a paradox of innocence and strategic wisdom.

I was in my thirteenth year when I heard a voice from God to help me govern my conduct. Joan of ArcClick To Tweet


Through the art of channeling, I tune into the energy imprint of Joan Of Arc to give her a voice through which to reflect.

Join us as Joan struggles to makes sense of our current society against the backdrop or her 15th century world view.

Have a listen and let us know what you think.


What Would Joan Of Arc Say?

by Sheila Applegate | Hanging With The Masters

In this Episode of Hanging With The Masters, Zac Hansen has a chat with Joan of Arc, as I use my gifts of channeling to give Joan’s energy a voice.

One of my favorite moments is when I gaze into my empty fridge and pantry (which happens a lot when I am immersed in a creative project) then putting odd random ingredients together, I create a delectable masterpiece.